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  • From Clerks to Corpora

    Essays on the English language yesterday and today

    Peter Sundkvist, Gunnel Melchers, Britt Erman, Philip Shaw (eds.)

    Book 2 in the Stockholm English Studies series.
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    Why is the Isle of Dogs in the Thames called Isle of Dogs? Did King Canute’s men bring English usage back to Jutland? How can we find out where English speakers suck their breath in to give a short response? And what did the Brontës do about dialect and think about foreign languages?

    The answers are in this collection of empirical work on English past and present in honour of Nils-Lennart Johannesson, Professor of English Language at Stockholm University. The first five chapters report individual studies forming an overview of current issues in the study of Old and Middle English phonology, lexis and syntax. The next six look at Early Modern and Modern English from a historical point of view, using data from corpora, manuscript archives, and fiction. Two more look at the Old English scholar JRR Tolkien and his work. The remaining chapters discuss aspects of Modern English. Several use corpora to look at English usage in itself or in relation to Swedish, French, or Norwegian. The last three look at grammatical models, the pragmatics of second language use, and modern English semantics.


    • Introduction

      Philip Shaw et al.
    • Introduction

      Philip Shaw et al.
    • The Middle English Development of Old English y and Lengthened y: Spelling Evidence

      Gjertrud F Stenbrenden
    • Linguistic Mysteries Around the North Sea

      Östen Dahl
    • The Late Middle English Version of Practica Urinarum in London, Wellcome Library, MS 537 (ff. 15r-40v)

      Javier Calle-Martín
    • Is Plant Species Identification Possible in Middle English Herbals?

      David Moreno Olalla
    • The Periphrastic Subjunctive in the Old English Multiple Glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels

      Marcelle Cole
    • On the Place-Name Isle of Dogs

      Laura Wright
    • English Genres in Diachronic Corpus Linguistics

      Erik Smitterberg & Merja Kytö
    • Here is an Old Mastiffe Bitch Ø Stands Barking at Mee: Zero Subject Relativizers in Early Modern English (T)here-Constructions

      Gunnel Tottie & Christine Johansson
    • “Norfolk People Know Best”: On the Written Representation of Accents as Performed and Perceived by ‘Insiders’ and ‘Outsiders’

      Gunnel Melchers
    • Sublime Caledonia: Description, Narration and Evaluation in Nineteenth-century Texts on Scotland

      Marina Dossena
    • The Development of Attitudes to Foreign Languages as Shown in the English Novel

      Philip Shaw
    • “Mythonomer”: Tolkien on Myth in His Scholarly Work

      Maria Kuteeva
    • Reflections on Tolkien’s Use of Beowulf

      Arne Zettersten
    • Commentators and Corpora: Evidence about Markers of Formality

      David Minugh
    • Recent Changes in the Modal Area of Necessity and Obligation – A Contrastive Perspective

      Karin Aijmer
    • Motion to and Motion through: Evidence from a Multilingual Corpus

      Thomas Egan
    • Using the World Wide Web to Research Spoken Varieties of English: The Case of Pulmonic Ingressive Speech

      Peter Sundkvist
    • Another Look at Preposition Stranding: English and Swedish Discourse Patterns

      Francesco-Alessio Ursini
    • There is Nothing Like Native Speech: A Comparison of Native and Very Advanced Non-Native Speech

      Britt Erman & Margareta Lewis
    • “Bachelor Means Nothing Without Husband and Father” : What Collocations Reveal about a Cognitive Category

      Christina Alm-Arvius


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    How to cite this book
    Sundkvist, P et al. (eds.) 2015. From Clerks to Corpora: Essays on the English language yesterday and today. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/sup.bab
    Sundkvist, P., Melchers, G., Erman, B. and Shaw, P., 2015. From Clerks to Corpora: Essays on the English language yesterday and today. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/sup.bab
    Sundkvist, P, et al.. From Clerks to Corpora: Essays on the English Language Yesterday and Today. Stockholm University Press, 2015. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/sup.bab
    Sundkvist, P., Melchers, G., Erman, B., & Shaw, P. (2015). From Clerks to Corpora: Essays on the English language yesterday and today. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/sup.bab
    Sundkvist, Peter , Gunnel Melchers, Britt Erman, and Philip Shaw. 2015. From Clerks to Corpora: Essays on the English Language Yesterday and Today. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/sup.bab

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    Published on Feb. 16, 2015





    EPUB 978-91-7635-006-5
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