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  • Gestion de la COVID-19 en Suisse : expertise scientifique et démocratie de consensus en temps de crise

    Céline Mavrot

    Chapter from the book: Premat, C et al. 2024. Comparing the place of experts during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    This contribution analyses the place of experts during the COVID-19 crisis management in Switzerland. In this situation, political authorities strongly emphasised that their decision relied on the scientific expertise, to an unprecedented extend in Switzerland. The government set up a double system of expertise: an independent and consultative scientific task force on the one hand, and experts from national public agencies on the other hand. This chapter has three focuses. First, it examines the function of this system of expertise for the political authorities (responsibility-sharing and blame avoidance mechanisms). By displaying its collaboration with scientific experts, the government gains some leeway to adopt potentially unpopular measures, and asserts the need to stand united in the crisis. Second, the chapter analyses the composition of these two expert panels, as well as their independence from political authorities. It shows that while external experts voiced public criticism against some political decisions, the administrative experts remained subordinated to the political hierarchy. Third, the chapter highlights the role of counter-power that scientific expertise can temporarily play in such a situation. The executive branch gained substantial power during the crisis, while legislative and judicial activities were partly suspended. Thus, the chapter highlights the role of expertise in crisis situations as well as, more generally, its function in democratic systems.

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    How to cite this chapter
    Mavrot, C. 2024. Gestion de la COVID-19 en Suisse : expertise scientifique et démocratie de consensus en temps de crise. In: Premat, C et al (eds.), Comparing the place of experts during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/bco.f

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    Published on Sept. 5, 2024


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