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  • Songs on the Road

    Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan

    Stefan Larsson, Kristoffer af Edholm (eds.)

    Part of the Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion series.
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    This book consists of seven chapters on the subject of poetry and itinerancy within the religious traditions of India, Tibet, and Japan from ancient to modern times. The chapters look, each from a different angle, at how itinerancy is reflected in religious poetry, what are the purposes of the wanderers’ poems or songs, and how the wandering poets relate to local communities, sacred geography, and institutionalized religion. We encounter priest-poets in search of munificent patrons, renouncers and yogins who sing about the bliss and hardship of wandering alone in the wilderness, Hindu pilgrims and opponents of pilgrimage, antinomian Buddhist-Tantric poets from Bengal, and the originator of the haiku. We are led along roads travelled by many, as well as paths tread by few.

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    How to cite this book
    Larsson S. & af Edholm K. (eds.) 2021. Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/bbi
    Larsson, S. and af Edholm, K., 2021. Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/bbi
    Larsson, Sand K af Edholm. Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan. Stockholm University Press, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/bbi
    Larsson, S., & af Edholm, K. (2021). Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/bbi
    Larsson, Stefan, and Kristoffer af Edholm. 2021. Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/bbi

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    Published on June 22, 2021





    EPUB 978-91-7635-137-6
    Mobi 978-91-7635-138-3
    Paperback 978-91-7635-139-0
    PDF 978-91-7635-136-9
