Designs for Learning is an international, Nordic-based peer-reviewed and open access journal in electronic format. The scope of the journal is to publish articles on designs for learning, technology enhanced learning, design-based research, multimodal knowledge representations, embodied interaction, on-line environments, and learning ecologies. We welcome original articles that address theoretical or methodological issues, as well as empirically based research. We also welcome (multimodal) publications that include formats such as audiovisual material.
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Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies is one of the leading interdisciplinary and bi-lingual journals. It is managed by the Institute of Latin American Studies of Stockholm University in collaboration with other Nordic universities with the aim to present good quality research about Latin America.
The journal publishes original manuscripts that address Latin America and the Caribbean from any of the disciplinary approaches of the social sciences and humanities. Researchers from all over the world are welcome to submit their manuscripts, in English or Spanish.
Iberoamericana – Revista Nórdica de Estudios de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, es una revista académica arbitrada, interdisciplinaria y bilingüe. Es administrada por el Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Estocolmo en colaboración con otras universidades nórdicas con el objetivo de presentar investigación de alta calidad sobre América Latina.
La revista publica artículos originales enfocados en temas relacionados con las ciencias sociales y humanidades. Investigadores de todo el mundo son bienvenidos a enviar sus manuscritos en inglés o español.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThe Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance publishes articles on the individual’s relation to education and work, focusing broadly on career transitions and guidance in institutional, social and policy contexts. The journal especially solicits articles that contribute to novel insights into the practice and ethics of career guidance, and education across the lifespan. Articles from diverse disciplines and theoretical perspectives are welcomed given the multidisciplinary nature of the field, for example pedagogy, sociology, psychology and political science, but also ethnology, history and anthropology.
View Journal Submit an ArticleRevue nordique des études francophones/Nordic Journal of Francophone Studies welcomes both literary and cultural contributions to understanding the diversity of the Francophone world. The journal will accept submissions from a wide variety of disciplines which focuses on Francophone Literature in Nordic countries, including at first literary studies, reception studies, sociology of literature and sociology of translation but also history and cultural politics, international relations, and sociology.
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Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to landscape research and interdisciplinary communication. Rural Landscapes aims to be a leading academic forum for the blending, contrasting and bridging of contemporary and historical landscape studies that engage with environmental and societal perspectives on rural landscapes in all parts of the world.
The journal accepts contributions from a broad range of research fields, such as historical ecology, political ecology, rural development, landscape ecology, palaeo-ecology, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, history, agriculture, forestry and geography.
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Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research is an international peer-reviewed journal aiming to disseminate innovative, high quality, social research on disability, which enables critical reflection on the position of people with disabilities in different societal contexts.
The journal’s defining characteristic is a focus on the relationship between people with disabilities and their environments. It is multi-disciplinary in scope, incorporating research from a variety of perspectives - such as sociological, historical, cultural studies, health and social policy - which share a commitment to recognising that disability is not a property of the individual person, but something shaped by social relations and structures.
The journal was established by the Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR), an association who actively facilitate the sharing and dissemination of social research on disability in the five Nordic countries.
Read more about the journal here.
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The aim of the Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology is to contribute to a better working life based on high-quality research. The journal seeks to publish papers covering the important issues in working life on all levels, including the societal, the organizational and the individual level. The journal also encourages research combining two or more of these levels and we invite empirical as well as theoretical, methodological and review manuscripts.
The Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology is indexed by the following services:
CrossRef, JISC KB+, SHERPA RoMEO, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Chronos, Center for Open Science, Google Scholar, OpenAIRE, ExLibris, EBSCO Knowledge Base, and Scopus.
It has also been added as a type/level 1 journal in the Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator, the National Publication Forum in Finland , and the National Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. In addition, the journal is available for harvesting via OAI-PMH.
Prior to submission, please review our author guidelines.
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Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography is an open access journal focusing on all aspects of atmospheric dynamics related to Earth science processes.
Tellus A, along with its sister journal Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, are international, peer-reviewed journals of the International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm, an independent not-for-profit body integrated into the Department of Meteorology at the Faculty of Sciences of Stockholm University, Sweden. The two journals serve an international community of researchers, policymakers, managers, media and the general public. Together they promote the exchange of knowledge about meteorology from across a range of scientific sub-disciplines.
Topics covered in Tellus A include:
dynamic meteorology | physical oceanography | data assimilation techniques | numerical weather prediction | climate dynamics | climate modelling and observation.
Types of papers accepted include original research papers, review articles, brief research notes, Letters to the Editor, and special issues and conference proceedings (from time to time). The journal operates a single-blind peer-review policy.
All published articles are made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication with a CC BY license.
Read the Guidelines for Authors for more information on how to submit your manuscript for review.
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Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology is an open access journal focusing on all aspects of atmospheric chemical cycling related to Earth science processes.
Along with its sister journal Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, Tellus B are international, peer-reviewed journals of the International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm, an independent not-for-profit body integrated into the Department of Meteorology at the Faculty of Sciences of Stockholm University, Sweden. The two journals serve an international community of researchers, policymakers, managers, media and the general public. Together they promote the exchange of knowledge about meteorology from across a range of scientific sub-disciplines.
Specific topics covered and the types of articles that are accepted in Tellus B is described in the 'About the journal' section. The journal operates a single-blind peer-review policy. All published articles are made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication with a CC BY license.
Read the Guidelines for Authors for information on how to submit your manuscript for review.
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