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    Research Integrity

    To achieve the highest level of academic quality, Stockholm University Press ensures that all editorial and peer review procedures are of the highest standard, and that they are carried out both rigorously and transparently. The minimum requirement is that reviewing is conducted by independent peers, and that editorial boards and editors (including series editors) should not act as main reviewers.


    Anti-plagiarism Checking

    All articles submitted to Stockholm University Press journals are automatically screened for plagiarism by the CrossCheck/ithenticate system from CrossRef. This system flags up any potentially plagiarised submissions to the editorial teams by comparing incoming articles to a large database of academic content. Book manuscripts can be screened upon request.

    Through such measures, editors can be confident that they are minimising the risk of publishing plagiarised content and are alerted at the earliest stage of submission, so that no time is wasted in resolving such issues.

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    Rigorous Peer Review

    All journals and books are sent for external peer review prior to an editorial decision on regarding whether to accept or reject a submission. The Press provides option of open peer review - if required, at the discretion of the Editorial Team.

    Editorial teams have access to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, and our editors and editorial boards receive ethical guidance and undertake professional networking. All of our journals adhere to the COPE guidelines for best practice.

    Editorial Boards working with book projects are asked to adhere to our best practices for ethical editing and peer-review procedures according to the document available here. For an overall view on how we plan and execute peer-review for books and journals, see the page on peer-review policies.

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    Correction Policy

    Despite hard working Editors and Authors, published items may sometimes need amendments. Editorial routines are applied to all editorial teams in order to avoid errors ot occur in the first place, however corrections may be required anyway for a variety of reasons, such as minor typos, small errors or more serious issues concerning publishing ethics or copyright matters. 

    Amendments, Publisher's Notes, Correction Articles, Retractions or Withdrawals all need to be handled with care and structure. In accordance with recommendations from the Committee of Publication Ethics, Stockholm University Press have therefore created an official Correction Policy elaborated in this document

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    Competing Interests

    Stockholm University Press is committed to transparent and bias-free research. To ensure that all publications are as open as possible, all authors, reviewers and editors are required to declare any interests that could appear to compromise, conflict with or influence the validity of the publication.

    This process is designed to reinforce the readers' trust in the research data. Books and journals should clearly display information regarding any possible conflict of interest - such as funding information or affiliations to particular organizations.

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    Stockholm University Press strongly recommends that all editors, reviewers and authors register an account with Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID). Registration provides a unique and persistent digital identifier for the account that enables accurate attribution and improves the discoverability of published papers, ensuring that the correct author receives the correct credit for their work. As the ORCID remains the same through out the lifetime of the account, changes of name, affiliation, or research area do not effect the discoverability of an author's past work and aid correspondence with colleagues.

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    All copyright to the published content is retained by the authors. Stockholm University Press does not retain rights to the published content, and rights to general journal information, such as title, domain name and logos belong to the editors or societies.

    All Stockholm University Press content is released under open license from Creative Commons. We believe that the CC-BY license is the most suitable option to meet the requirements for true open access for books and journals, but licenses such as CC BY-SA or CC BY-NC could also be suitable for some types of work. Consult with one of the Managing Editors if you would like to discuss the choice of licensing.

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    Research Data & Software

    We encourage our authors to make the research data, bio-resources, methodologies and software associated with all books and articles to be openly archived whenever possible. Stockholm University Press can provide services for this purpose. Employees of Stockholm University can for example use the designated Figshare platform.

    Open data means that peer reviewers can better assess the foundations of claims made, and that readers are able to similarly validate authors’ work after publication. Open data also allows others to more easily find and build upon research output.

    Researchers at Stockholm University have access to a repository for data through the Figshare Services via su.figshare.com (login with your university credentials).

    Researchers from outside Stockholm University have access to a repository for data through our provider Ubiquity Press, who host this with Dataverse.

    These services will greatly increase the re-usability and impact of your work, leading to increased citations and opportunities for collaboration.

    All journals can have their own online repository on the Dataverse Network, and additional integration with subject-specific repositories such as Dryad can be implemented on request. This allows research publications to be directly linked to the data on which they are drawing.

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    Stockholm University Press ensure that all published content is indexed with CrossRef and assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for online tracking and reference. This means that each reference from book chapters and journal articles is available so that citations can be tracked by the publishing community in a number of ways, and the content is added to the Cross-Check anti-plagiarism database.

    Stockholm University Press is listed as an authorised publication channel in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers and in the Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator.

    We register our journals and books with as many suitable indexers as possible and can provide advice to editors on how to improve the chances of application to high impact index services. All of our article metadata are openly available for harvesting by indexing services via OAI-PMH and the journals are registered with Open Archives for discovery. The journal articles are currently indexed in various discovery databases such as Google Scholar and EBSCOhost, but also subject-specific databases. Eligible journals are also indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

    All books are indexed by the OAPEN Library, the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), unglue.it and are listed in OCLC Worldcat, for increased discovery and tracking.

    Books (and series) and journals published with Stockholm University Press will be listed in relevant databases as soon as they fulfil the criteria of each of these channels. Further indexing will be added as the catalogue of published items to grow, include both subject-specific databases as well as general listings.


    Stockholm University Press is a member of the Association of European University Presses (AEUP), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and the OPERAS networkThe Stockholm University Library is also a contributor to Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) and the OAPEN Library. The Library is also a supporter of the Open Library of Humanities (OLH), to further encourage international collaboration for open scholarly communication in the humanities.

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    As members of CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) our content is regularly archived with many of the world's leading research libraries. The CLOCKSS archive ensures that all Stockholm University Press content will always be made available as open access.

    We fully support and encourage author self-archiving of all content (sometimes termed 'green' open access). We register all of our journals with SHERPA/RoMEO to ensure that the license terms and self-archiving policies of the journals are 100% clear.

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    No Lock-in

    Stockholm University Press uses open, non-proprietary standards for all of its content, meaning that it can be easily transferred to archives and other publishers. All of our article XML is compliant with the Journal Archiving Tag Suite (JATS) schema.

    We endorse and adhere to the NISO Transfer Code of Practice, which ensures that when a journal transfers between publishers, that librarians, editors- and other publishers are informed and treated fairly.

    Our contracts with societies are also very different to those of other publishers. We do not seek to possess journals or books content, but instead to support the editors in operating them. The journal content can be transferred away from Stockholm University Press if the journal or editorial group decide to change publisher.

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