Den här boken tar upp två forskningsfält och kopplar ihop dem: kontrastiva studier och tredjespråksinlärning. Fokus i boken ligger på beskrivningen av ett antal språkstrukturer i nederländska och svenska som inte har behandlats kontrastivt tidigare: rumsliga uttryck för befintlighet och riktning, kopulaverb och deras kategorisering, opersonlig passiv och opersonliga konstruktioner samt positionsverben stå, sitta, ligga och motsvarande verb på nederländska.
Hur kan man föra samman klassisk kontrastiv analys och tredjespråks-inlärning? De två närbesläktade språken nederländska och svenska är inga typiska skolspråk som man lär sig i unga år i grundskolan och på gymnasiet, utan inlärare kommer framför allt i kontakt med dem som tredje språk och i vuxen ålder. Det innebär att inlärarna redan har kunskap i tidigare inlärda språk och ofta har utvecklat viss meta-lingvistisk och tvärspråklig medvetenhet. Vad innebär det? Det betyder att flerspråkiga språkbrukare i högre utsträckning än enspråkiga språkbrukare ”kan tala och resonera om språket själv, dess struktur och funktion” och även har ”specifik kunskap om hur två eller några språks strukturer förhåller sig till varandra” (s. 8). Vid inlärningen av ett tredje språk ska man alltså se tidigare inlärda språk som en resurs, speciellt de språk som är närbesläktade. Genom att studera språkliga strukturer kontrastivt kan man som inlärare fördjupa sin tvärspråkliga medvetenhet. Vilka språkliga strukturer i det tredje språk som jag lär mig liknar strukturer som finns i mitt första eller andra språk? Vilka språkliga strukturer i tredje språket liknar däremot inte strukturer i tidigare inlärda språk? Sådana strukturer kan kräva mer uppmärksamhet. Tvärspråklig medvetenhet är således en viktig inlärningsstrategi.
Annika Johansson är universitetslektor i nederländska vid Stockholms universitet. Hon forskar om kontrastiv semantik, tredjespråksinlär-ning och tvärspråklig medvetenhet som didaktiskt redskap. Hennes forskningsprojekt anknyter även till hennes undervisning i nederländsk språkfärdighet vid Stockholms universitet.
This book deals with two research fields and brings them together: contrastive linguistics and third language acquisition. The book describes the following linguistic structures in Dutch and Swedish from a contrastive perspective: spatial adverbs, copula, impersonal passives, impersonal constructions and finally the posture verbs stand, zit and lie. Dutch and Swedish are usually acquired as a third language and not as a second language, which implies that learners already comprehend various other languages. When learning a language these multilingual learners have developed certain strategies which draw on their competence in earlier studied languages. In the process of learning a third language, metalinguistic and cross-linguistic awareness play an important role. Comparing linguistic structures in two closely related languages as Dutch and Swedish can enhance cross-linguistic awareness and therefore be used as a didactic tool.
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The authors of this edited volume focus on the emergence of populist discourses, coming from movements or parties from Romance-speaking countries in Europe and in Latin America. By combining linguistics, social and political sciences in a discourse analytical approach, the sixteen papers enlighten the mechanisms behind populist discourses yielding from different socio-cultural and political contexts. The common denominator of the studies is the focus on the discursive and rhetorical characteristics of recently emerged movements of populism in both continents. Investigating expressions of these political movements is highly relevant in today’s society, where the growing number of populist discourses has become a pre-eminent issue, alongside people’s increasing insecurity regarding future political and environmental challenges. The primary audience of this volume are researchers working in the fields of political discourse analysis; however, this book may benefit anybody with interest in language in politics.
‘This volume will be a valuable contribution to the study of populist discourse at the political extremes. It hardly needs to be mentioned that this is one of the most topical issues in political discourse throughout the world today. The specifics of populist discourse are often misunderstood, so I have found this volume enlightening and helpful to increasing my own understanding.’ — Rodney Williamson, University of Ottawa
‘The anthology provides indeed a fine analysis of discourses connected to different socio-cultural and political contexts […] Since it brings together researchers specialized in media and political discourse analysis, it contributes to a large extent to promote a deeper understanding of current political discourses and extremist ideologies.’ — Ana Pano Alamán, University of Bologna
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Festival Romanistica is an edited volume with 19 contributions written in four Romance languages: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The volume represents the whole range of research areas in Romance Linguistics today at the University of Stockholm: semantics, syntax, pragmatics, discourse analysis, diachronic linguistics, translation studies and second language acquisition and use. Five of the articles are written by renowned scholars from five European universities. The authors of the remaining 14 contributions are doctors and supervisors belonging to the National Doctoral Program in Romance Languages (FoRom). By virtue of its wide scope and the high quality of its contributions, this volume is of interest for, and will find a natural audience among, researchers of all Romance Languages departments and divisions in Scandinavia, Europe and worldwide.
Festival Romanistica is the first volume in Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages, which is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes.
Gunnel Engwall is Professor of Romance Languages, especially French, at Stockholm University. She has been Vice-Chancellor of Stockholm University and President of the Academy of Letters, Antiquity and History and is presently the Head of the National Edition of August Strindberg’s Collected Works.
Lars Fant is Professor emeritus of Romance Languages, especially Spanish and Portuguese, at Stockholm University. He is the also Chief Editor of the series Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages.
El creciente interés por la lingüística románica en Suecia queda reflejado en los 19 capítulos de Festival Romanistica, escritos por estudiosos provenientes de España, Francia, Italia, Portugal y Suecia. El volumen abarca un amplio abanico de trabajos que cubre áreas esenciales de la lingüística románica: sintaxis, semántica, pragmática, traductología y adquisición de segundas lenguas.
L’intérêt croissant pour la linguistique romane en Suède se reflète dans les 19 chapitres de Festival Romanistica, écrits par des chercheurs venant d’Espagne, de France, d’Italie, du Portugal et de Suède. Le volume comprend un riche éventail d’études couvrant des domaines essentiels de la linguistique romane : syntaxe, sémantique, pragmatique, traductologie et acquisition des langues secondes.
Il crescente interesse per la linguistica romanza in Svezia si riflette nei 19 capitoli di Festival Romanistica, scritti da ricercatori provenienti da Francia, Italia, Portogallo, Spagna e Svezia. Il volume ospita una ricca collezione di studi appartenenti ad ambiti essenziali per la linguistica romanza, quali sintassi, semantica, pragmatica, traduttologia e acquisizione delle lingue seconde.
O interesse crescente em linguística românica na Suécia reflete-se nos 19 capítulos de Festival Romanistica, escritos por pesquisadores de Espanha, França, Itália, Portugal e Suécia. O volume apresenta um leque amplo de estudos cobrindo áreas essenciais da linguística românica: sintaxe, semântica, pragmática, tradutologia e aquisição de segundas línguas.
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