“Outlier” latenti nelle costruzioni a lista: Il caso del discorso politico su Twitter
Affiliation: University of Insubria, IT
Affiliation: University of Pavia, IT
Chapter from the book: Roitman, M et al. 2023. The New Challenges of Populist Discourses in Romance Speaking Countries.
This contribution investigates the use of list constructions as a rhetorical tool in the Twitter communication of four Italian political leaders (Giorgia Meloni – Fratelli d’Italia; Matteo Salvini – Lega; Matteo Renzi – Italia Viva; and Nicola Zingaretti – Partito Democratico), by analyzing a corpus of 4,371 tweets from which 449 lists have been extrapolated. The results suggest that there is indeed a deliberate and strategic use of this construction and that the main purpose of list outliers is to persuade readers (potential voters).