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    Editorial Boards for Book Series

    Stockholm University Press publishes a number of book series. Each series is lead by an Editorial Board, consisting of prominent and knowledgeable scholars in their field. The responsibilities of the Editorial Board include to review and recommend books for publishing based on a number of set terms, like the academic standard, the quality of the proposal or manuscript and comments from external reviewers. Each Editorial Board have accepted and will follow the Stockholm University Press Peer Review Policy.

    Stockholm University Press is also open for suggestions to start new book series, based on incoming book proposals, or upon request from a group of scholars with an interest to create a new channel for academic content. Read more about the required editorial standard in our guidelines for Editorial Boards. The list of existing Book Series can be found below.

    Stockholm English Studies

    Stockholm English Studies (SES) (ISSN 2002-0163) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. SES strives to provide a broad forum for research on English language and literature from all periods. In terms of subjects and methods, the scope is also broad covering: language structure, variation, and meaning, both spoken and written language in all genres, as well as literary scholarship in a broad sense.

    It is the ambition of SES to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by refereed international journals and academic publishers of a similar orientation.

    Editorial Board

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    Stockholm German and Dutch Studies

    Stockholm German and Dutch Studies (SGDS) (ISSN 2002-1992) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. SGDS strives to provide a broad forum for research on the German and Dutch languages, cultures, and literature from all periods.

    In terms of subjects and methods, the journal encompasses contrastive linguistics, language structure, variation, meaning and discourse, both spoken and written language in all genres, as well as literary scholarship in a broad sense.

    Book proposals in the field of cultural studies are especially welcome. It is the ambition of SGDS to place high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts, equal to those applied by refereed international journals and academic publishers of a similar orientation. SGDS accepts manuscripts in German, Dutch, English, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.

    Editorial Board

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    Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion

    Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion (SSCR) (ISSN 2002-4606) is a peer-reviewed series initiated by Åke Hultkrantz in 1961.

    While its earlier emphasis lay in ethnographic-comparative approaches to religion, the series now covers a broader spectrum of the history of religions, including the philological study of discrete traditions, large-scale comparisons between different traditions as well as theoretical and methodological concerns in the study of cross-cultural religious categories such as ritual and myth.

    SSCR strives to sustain and disseminate high-quality and innovative research in the form of monographs and edited volumes, preferably in English, but in exceptional cases also in the French, German-, and Scandinavian languages.

    SSCR was previously included in the series Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis (ISSN 0562-1070). A full list of publications can be found here. Volumes still in stock can be obtained through the editors.

    Editorial Board

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    Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics

    The Editorial Advisory Board for this Book Series, Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics, is the same as for Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics, and Critical Editions in Culture and Aesthetics - see below the information about the The Advisory Board of the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.

    Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics (BaRCA) (ISSN 2002-6463) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. BaRCA provides a publishing platform for academic textbooks built on high-quality research mainly within the disciplines of Art History, Heritage Studies, Curating Art, History of Ideas, Literary Studies, Musicology, and Performance and Dance Studies.

    It is the ambition of BaRCA to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by international academic publishers of a similar orientation. BaRCA accepts manuscripts in English and Swedish.

    Critical Editions in Culture and Aesthetics

    The Editorial Advisory Board for this Book Series is the same as for Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics, and Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics - see below.

    Critical Editions in Culture and Aesthetics (CEiCA) (ISSN 2004-5050) is a peer-reviewed series of scholarly editions of source texts published by Stockholm University Press. CEiCA aims to provide a publishing forum for translated, annotated, and introduced texts within the broad domain of culture and aesthetics, including, but not limited to, the disciplines of Art History, Heritage Studies, Curating Art, History of Ideas, Literary Studies, Musicology, and Performance and Dance Studies. 

    The ambition of CEiCA includes both to provide open access to manuscripts and out of print texts, and to introduce them with a contextualizing and critical apparatus. The series thus promotes the values of 1) making source texts available through digital means of access, and 2) recognizing critical editing as a scholarly achievement in its own right. English translations that make Swedish texts accessible to international scholarly communities are encouraged.   

    As the CEiCA publications are required to be the products of scholarly achievements, the series does not include facsimiles, reprints, or other editions without a critical apparatus that contextualizes, explains, problematizes, and evaluates the source texts through introductions, annotations, footnotes, further references, bibliography, indexing, etc.

    Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics

    The Editorial Advisory Board for this Book Series is the same as for Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics, and Critical Editions in Culture and Aesthetics - see below.

    Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics (SiCA) (ISSN 2002-3227) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. SiCA strives to provide a broad forum for research on culture and aesthetics, including the disciplines of Art History, Heritage Studies, Curating Art, History of Ideas, Literary Studies, Musicology, and Performance and Dance Studies.

    In terms of subjects and methods, the orientation is wide: critical theory, cultural studies and historiography, modernism and modernity, materiality and mediality, performativity and visual culture, children’s literature and children’s theatre, queer and gender studies.

    It is the ambition of SiCA to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by refereed international journals and academic publishers of a similar orientation. SiCA accepts manuscripts in English, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.

    The Advisory Board of the Department of Culture and Aesthetics

    The Editorial Advisory Board for the Book Series Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics, Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics, and Critical Editions in Culture and Aesthetics

    • Frida Beckman, Professor of Comparative Literature at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, frida.beckman@littvet.su.se
    • Linn Holmberg, Associate Professor of History of Ideas at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, linn.holmberg@idehist.su.se
    • Rikard Hoogland, Associate Professor of Theatre Studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, rikard.hoogland@teater.su.se
    • Jacob Lund, Associate Professor of Aesthetics and Culture at School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture, Aarhus University, jacoblund@cc.au.dk
    • Sonya Petersson, (chairperson, coordination and communication), Associate Professor of  Art History, Research Officer at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, sonya.petersson@arthistory.su.se
    • Beate Schirrmacher, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the Department of Film and Literature, Linnaeus University, beate.schirrmacher@lnu.se
    • Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe, Professor of Art History at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, jessica.skrubbe@arthistory.su.se
    • Joakim Tillman, Professor of Musicology at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, joakim.tillman@music.su.se

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    Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages

    Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages (SSIRL) (ISSN 2002-0724) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. SSIRL strives to provide a broad forum for research on Romance Languages of all periods, including both linguistics and literature.

    In terms of subjects and methods, the journal covers language structure, variation and meaning, spoken and written genres, as well as literary scholarship in a broad sense.

    It is the ambition of SSIRL to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by refereed international journals and academic publishers of a similar orientation.

    Editorial Board

    • Ken Benson, Professor, Department of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University (ORCID)
    • Per Förnegård, (Chair) Associate Professor, Department of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University
    • Thomas Johnen, Professor, Fakultät SPR, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
    • Marie-Christine Skuncke, Professor emerita, Department of Literature and Rhetoric, Uppsala University

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    Studia Latina Stockholmiensia

    Studia Latina Stockholmiensia (SLS) (ISSN 2002-472X) is a peer-reviewed series of scholarly editions of Latin texts as well as monographs and anthologies of Latin studies. While continuing Stockholm University’s tradition of Medieval studies, the series is also open to Latin from the Ancient and the Modern periods.

    The textual editions include an introduction, a critical apparatus and usually a translation. The literary, linguistic and other philological studies of Latin feature a range of methodological approaches, both modern and traditional.

    SLS includes Ars Edendi Lectures as a sub-series.

    Editorial Board

    • Maria Plaza, PhD (Chair), Associate Professor of Latin, Dept. of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University (ORCID)
    • Hans Aili, PhD, Professor emeritus of Latin, Dept. of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Erika Kihlman, PhD, Associate Professor of Latin, Dept. of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Elin Andersson, National Library of Sweden, Sweden (Email: Elin.Andersson@kb.se)
    • Sara Risberg, Docent, PhD, The Swedish National Archives, Sweden (Email: Sara.Risberg@riksarkivet)
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    Anthropology and Society

    Anthropology & Society (AS) (ISSN 2002-6293) is a peer-reviewed series of academic monographs and edited volumes. The series strives to provide an open access platform for contemporary anthropological research. With its unique insights into the human condition, anthropology offers a fresh perspective on social life around the world, which the series aims to convey. 

    Editorial Board

    • Paula Uimonen (Chairperson), Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Maris Gillette, Professor, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg
    • Mark Graham, PhD, Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Nina Gren, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden
    • Gabriella Körling, PhD, Researcher, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Susann Baez Ullberg, Assistant Professor, Department of  Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University    
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    Stockholm Studies in Education

    Stockholm Studies in Education (ISSN 2003-6159) is a peer-reviewed and open access platform for publication of research in education. It aims to cover a broad range of academic monographs and edited volumes in education including, for example, adult learning; career development; citizenship education including cosmopolitanism, patriotism and nationalism; democracy and education; health and education; higher education; history of education; international studies; interaction, communication and learning; leadership and organization in schools and society; philosophy of education; policy studies; sociology of education, and vocational education and training. 

    Editorial Board

    Language and Literature in Education

    The aim of the book series Language and Literature in Education (ISSN 2003-8542) is to disseminate studies of language education and literature in education. These are important research fields of the Department of Teaching and Learning at Stockholm University, where most of the members of the Editorial Board are employed. Although there are a few journals publishing general educational research in the Nordic countries, there is definitely a gap to fill, as regards publishing outlets for educational perspectives on language and literature. Researchers operating in and outside Sweden are invited to send in proposals for monographs, thematic volumes, or collections of papers to Language and Literature in Education. The main language of publication is English. However, other languages are not excluded if motivated by the theme of the volume. Theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome.

    The book series aims to function as reference point for researchers occupied with educational aspects of language and literature, and embodies a forum for broad perspectives on educational studies with a focus on language development, literacy and literature.

    Editorial Board

    • Camilla Bardel (Chair), Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Sweden, camilla.bardel@su.se
    • Kristina Danielsson, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Sweden, kristina.danielsson@su.se
    • Stefan Lundström, Professor, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, stefan.lundstrom@ltu.se
    • Anders Philipsson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Sweden, anders.philipsson@su.se
    • Elisabeth Zetterholm, Senior Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Society (IKOS), Linköping University, Sweden, elisabeth.zetterholm@liu.se

    Stockholm Studies in Social Policy and Welfare

    Stockholm Studies in Social Policy and Welfare (SiW) (ISSN 2003-1815) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. SiW strives to provide a forum for all aspects of social science research on social policy and welfare. It is the ambition of SiW to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by refereed international journals and academic publishers of a similar orientation. SiW accepts manuscripts in English, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.

    Editorial Board

    • Sten-Åke Stenberg, Professor, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Charlotta Magnusson, Associate Professor, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, Sweden, charlotte.magnusson@sofi.su.se
    • Ylva B Almquist, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Jessica Storbjörk, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden, jessica.storbjork@su.se
    • Renate Minas, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, Sweden, renate.minas@socarb.su.se
    • Lars Brännström, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, Sweden, lars.brannstrom@socarb.su.se
    • Stefan Fors, Associate Professor, Aging-Research Center, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, stefan.fors@ki.se
    • Therese Reitan, Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, Södertörn University College, therese.reitan@sh.se

    Stockholm Studies in Media Arts Japan

    Stockholm Studies in Media Arts Japan (SMAJ, ISSN 2004-1292) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. 

    SMAJ strives to provide a multidisciplinary forum for research on media and arts associated with Japan, prioritizing investigations of forms, formats, materialities and creative practices. The scope of subjects is broad, including texts, performances and artefacts of various times and social position in a variety of local and transnational cultures.

    It is the ambition of SMAJ to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by refereed international journals and academic publishers of a similar orientation. SMAJ accepts manuscripts in English.

    Editorial Board

    Stockholm Studies in Indo-European Language and Culture

    Stockholm Studies in Indo-European Language and Culture (SIELC) (ISSN 2004-9080) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. SIELC is a cross-disciplinary series intended for research into the older stages of the Indo-European language family from a multitude of perspectives, including history of religions, archaeology, ancient DNA and historical linguistics.

    Editorial Board

    • Jenny Larsson, Professor, Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German, Stockholm University, Sweden (Chairperson). E-mail: jenny.larsson@balt.su.se
    • George Hinge, Associate Professor, School of Culture and Society, Classical Philology, Aarhus University, Denmark
    • Daniel Kölligan, Professor, Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, University of Würzburg, Germany
    • Olof Sundqvist, Professor, Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Nicholas Zair, Senior Lecturer in Classics, Classical Linguistics & Comparative Philology, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

    Stockholm Studies in Mathematics and Science Education

    Stockholm Studies in Mathematics and Science Education (ISSN 2004-528X) is a peer-reviewed book series published by Stockholm University Press. The series aims at publishing high-quality, open access research in mathematics and science education in English as well as Scandinavian languages. The editorial board welcome submission of proposals for both monographs and edited collections that address current problems in any of the subfields of mathematics and science education.

    The editorial board members are selected for their expertise and they cover different research subfields and theoretical/methodological approaches. The members are recognized researchers in Sweden and the Scandinavian countries. Their role is to secure the academic quality of publications but also comment on their relevance to a broader Scandinavian and international audience. External referees are invited to review manuscripts before publication, and when relevant comment on proposals. The editorial board follows Stockholm University Press peer-review policy.

    Editorial Board

    • Carl Johan Rundgren, Associate professor at the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, E-mail: carl-johan.rundgren@su.se; ORCID ID 0000-0001-7679-1628 (Chair)
    • Lovisa Sumpter, Associate professor at the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, E-mail: lovisa.sumpter@su.se; ORCID ID 0000-0001-9742-8908
    • Cecilia Caiman, Assistant professor at the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, E-mail: cecilia.caiman@su.se; ORCID ID 0000-0002-0905-7439
    • Hendrik Van Steenbrugge, Assistant professor at the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University E-mail: hendrik.vansteenbrugge@mnd.su.se; ORCID ID 0000-0003-1975-7778
    • Hanna Palmér, Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Linnaeus University, ORCID ID 0000-0003-2217-6624
    • Frode Rønning, Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Norway, ORCID ID 0000-0003-3427-9065
    • Christina Ottander, Professor at the Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University, ORCID ID0000-0002-5269-1451
    • Are Turmo, Researcher at The NorwegianCentre for Science Education, University of Oslo, Norway

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    Contemporary Research in Special Education

    The book series Contemporary Research in Special Education (CRSE, ISSN TBA) aims to publish research on various theoretical perspectives and methodical approaches, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature that characterises special education as a scientific topic. Special education as an academic research discipline deals with conditions for participation and learning with a basis in societal, organisational, group and individual perspectives. The editorial board would like to put an emphasis on examining how educational environments can support or impede development, learning and socialisation among children, youth and adults.

    The series aims to publish books that investigate how difficulties can be prevented by studying interactions between the individual and the environment, identifying protective factors and risk factors at various levels for people with disabilities, people in socially vulnerable situations and children and students in need of support. The research presented in the series can include studies of democracy, issues relating to core values, human rights, inclusion and participation, and issues relating to how supportive educational environments can be created for all children and youth. Other areas of interest are what various disabilities may entail for individuals and their broader context.

    We invite submissions related to the following foci on special education: Participation and learning, learning environments and didactic development, special education and younger children, ethics, power and profession, migration and education. CRiSE accepts manuscripts in Swedish and English. 

    Editorial Board

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    Stockholm Law Series 

    Stockholm Law Series aims at publishing high-quality, open-access research in legal science produced in Scandinavian languages and English. Both monographs and edited collections that address issues in any of the subfields of legal science are welcomed. The book series welcomes scientific publications as well as course literature. Authors from Stockholm university but also from other universities and other countries are welcome to submit their proposals.

    Editorial Board

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    Bibliotheca Philosophorum Suecorum Medii Aevi – Library of Swedish Philosophy in the Middle Ages

    Bibliotheca Philosophorum Suecorum Medii Aevi publishes mainly books on Swedish medieval philosophy. The publications will consist of new critical editions of texts of Swedish medieval philosophers, but it also publishes other literature in the form of anthologies and monographs as well as translations. The series takes a broad perspective on philosophy in the Middle Ages, which can include philosophical theology but also religious mysticism with philosophical elements. Normally, however, it refers to the philosophy practiced at the universities during the Middle Ages. For the purpose of this series, the Middle Ages refers to the time period between 1000 and 1600. The editorial board of the book series makes an individual assessment of whether the book's content fits the series. Books are published in both Swedish and English and are peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers.

    Editorial Board