The aim of this collection is to contribute to the forging of a more robust, politically useful, and theoretically elaborate understanding of working-class literature(s).
These essays map a substantial terrain: the history of working-class literature(s) in Argentina, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Africa and Ireland. Together with the essays in a previous volume – which cover Russia/The Soviet Union, The USA, Finland, Sweden, The UK, and Mexico – they give a complex picture of working-class literature(s) from an international perspective, without losing sight of national specificities.
By capturing a wide range of definitions and literatures, the two volumes give a broad and rich picture of the many-facetted phenomenon of working-class literature(s), disrupt narrow understandings of the concept and phenomenon, as well as identify and discuss some of the most important theoretical and historical questions brought to the fore by the study of this literature.If read as stand-alone chapters, each contribution gives an overview of the history and research of a particular nation’s working-class literature. If read as a whole (which we hope you do), they contribute toward a more complex understanding of the global phenomenon of working-class literature(s).
Book Details
The aim of this collection is to make possible the forging of a more robust, politically useful, and theoretically elaborate understanding of working-class literature(s).
These essays map a substantial terrain: the history of working-class literature(s) in Russia/The Soviet Union, The USA, Finland, Sweden, The UK, and Mexico. Together they give a complex and comparative – albeit far from comprehensive – picture of working-class literature(s) from an international perspective, without losing sight of national specificities.
By capturing a wide range of definitions and literatures, this collection gives a broad and rich picture of the many-facetted phenomenon of working-class literature(s), disrupts narrow understandings of the concept and phenomenon, as well as identifies and discusses some of the most important theoretical and historical questions brought to the fore by the study of this literature.
If read as stand-alone chapters, each contribution gives an overview of the history and research of a particular nation’s working-class literature. If read as an edited collection (which we hope you do), they contribute toward a more complex understanding of the global phenomenon of working-class literature(s).
Malmö University has published a short interview (2 min) with the editor Magnus Nilsson about the book. View the interview on the SUP blog.
Book Details
“Polemik in den Schriften Melchior Hoffmans. Inszenierungen rhetorischer Streitkultur in der Reformationszeit” is a study of pamphlets written as a reaction to, and attempt for, expansion of the Lutheran and Zwinglian Reformation. Melchior Hoffman’s work has, so far, almost solely been investigated by historians of religion and thus focused merely on religious topics and argumentation, and rather seldomly on the literary aspects of his pamphlets – such as rhetorics, argumentation strategies and text compilation. In order to close this gap of research on Melchior Hoffman and – in the sense of a New Historicism approach – give him as a non-canonical author more attention, this book focuses on the literary qualities of the texts. It is thus the first full-length study on Melchior Hoffman by a literary scholar. Not only has little been written on Melchior Hoffman, but also about lay writers in the Reformation at all. Thus, the book delivers new perspectives within the field of Reformation pamphlet writers.
Theoretical significance is an integral part of the study, with a focus on developing a new theoretical concept for analyzing polemic texts. The innovative approach combines post-modern theories like (constructivist) Cultural Studies, and Performativity concepts with Communication Analyses and Classical Rhetorics. By doing so, it provides a unique approach to texts from the 16th century, which can easily and reasonably be applied to polemical texts of the 21st century as well as to even older texts than Hoffman’s.
The book has been written in the research field of German Literature, but will be of great interest for both literary scholars and historians (of religion or culture).
This book is published in German:
Als ‚radikaler Reformator‘ geriet Melchior Hoffman immer wieder in Konflikte mit Vertretern der lutherischen und zwinglischen Reformation. Die Auseinandersetzungen über die ‚wahre Lehre Gottes‘ schlugen sich dabei in unterschiedlichen Textsorten und formen nieder: Hoffman stritt in polemischen Einzelschriften, Schriftwechseln sowie einem Reformationsdialog und polemisierte sogar in Bibelkommentaren und Traktaten.
Diese Schriften Hoffmans werden hier erstmals unter literaturwissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten behandelt. Sie werden als Orte der Performanz einer rhetorischen Streitkultur verstanden, die typisch für die Reformationszeit und generell für religiöse Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Theologie und Laienfrömmigkeit sind: In der schriftlichen Inszenierung des Streits manifestiert sich die komplexe kulturelle Wechselwirkung zwischen den rhetorischen Normen und Traditionen auf der einen und der individuellen Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen auf der anderen Seite. Das textuelle In-Szene-Setzen ist somit als performative Handlung zu verstehen, die Polemik selbst als deren grundlegendes inszenatorisches Prinzip.
Kerstin Lundström untersucht Hoffmans Polemik mittels einer Kombination aus Rhetorikanalyse und modernen Methoden der Kommunikations- und Performativitätsanalyse. Das Ergebnis ist die Identifizierung unterschiedlicher Konstellationen der Rede, die maßgeblich mit der sprachlichen Ausgestaltung zusammenwirken. Der Fokus liegt insbesondere darauf, wie die einzelnen Bausteine von Hoffmans vielschichtiger Polemik – auf Text- und auf Kontextebene – ineinander greifen und ihre performative Wirkmächtigkeit entfalten.
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