The aim of this collection is to make possible the forging of a more robust, politically useful, and theoretically elaborate understanding of working-class literature(s).
These essays map a substantial terrain: the history of working-class literature(s) in Russia/The Soviet Union, The USA, Finland, Sweden, The UK, and Mexico. Together they give a complex and comparative – albeit far from comprehensive – picture of working-class literature(s) from an international perspective, without losing sight of national specificities.
By capturing a wide range of definitions and literatures, this collection gives a broad and rich picture of the many-facetted phenomenon of working-class literature(s), disrupts narrow understandings of the concept and phenomenon, as well as identifies and discusses some of the most important theoretical and historical questions brought to the fore by the study of this literature.
If read as stand-alone chapters, each contribution gives an overview of the history and research of a particular nation’s working-class literature. If read as an edited collection (which we hope you do), they contribute toward a more complex understanding of the global phenomenon of working-class literature(s).
Malmö University has published a short interview (2 min) with the editor Magnus Nilsson about the book. View the interview on the SUP blog.
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Ce livre porte sur les relations culturelles entre la France et la Suède de 1945 à nos jours. Il réunit les articles présentés à l’occasion de la conférence internationale, « Frankrike-Sverige – Tur och retur », qui a eu lieu à Stockholm en janvier 2014, organisée par l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et l’Université de Stockholm. Ces vingt-deux articles tracent ensemble une histoire croisée des médiations matérielles et immatérielles, dynamiques et complexes, ayant permis la construction des identités culturelles dans trois domaines principaux : les représentations et l’imaginaire ; la médiation et les vecteurs de transmission ; la traduction, la réception et la circulation des oeuvres.
Denna bok behandlar kulturella relationer mellan Frankrike och Sverige från 1945 till våra dagar. De olika artiklarna bygger på den forskning som presenterades på den internationella konferensen ”Frankrike-Sverige – Tur och retur” i Stockholm i januari 2014. Konferensen organiserades av Sorbonne-universitetet i Paris och Stockholms universitet. De tjugotvå bidragen ger tillsammans en bild av de komplexa och rörliga samband och kontaktpunkter som genom historien uppstått mellan de båda länderna. Tre huvudsakliga fält har identifierats där kulturella identiteter skapats över nationsgränserna: representationer och föreställningsvärldar; mediering och förmedling; översättning, mottagande och cirkulering av verk.
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In Platonic Occasions, Richard Begam and James Soderholm reflect upon a wide range of thinkers, writers and ideas from Plato, Descartes and Nietzsche to Shakespeare, the Romantics and the Moderns — from Evil, Love and Death to Art, Memory and Mimesis. The dialogues suggest that Percy Shelley was right when he claimed “We are all Greeks,” and yet what have we learned about the initiatives of culture and literature since our classical predecessors? Begam and Soderholm’s ten dialogues function as a series of dual-meditations that take Plato as an intellectual godfather while presenting a new form of dialogic knowledge based on the friction and frisson of two minds contending, inventing and improvising. The authors discuss not only what is healthy and vigorous about Western culture but also consider where that culture is in retreat, as they seek to understand the legacy of the Enlightenment and its relation to the contemporary moment. Platonic Occasions is an experiment in criticism that enjoins the reader to imagine what the dialogic imagination can do when inspired by Platonic inquiry, but not bound by a single master and the singular mind. Beyond Socratic maieutics and Cartesian meditation is a form of intellectual interplay where it is impossible not to be of two minds.
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