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Results: 66
Edited Volume
Forskarskolan FRAM – lärare forskar i de främmande språkens didaktik
Camilla Bardel, Christina Rosén, Jonas Granfeldt, Gudrun Erickson, Camilla Bardel (eds.)
Edited Volume
Exploring Language Education
Elisabeth Zetterholm, Katarina Rejman, Christina Hedman, Camilla Bardel (eds.)
Theodore W. Pietsch, Hans Aili
Edited Volume
Léxico y semántica
Mohamed El-Madkouri Maataoui, Rakel Österberg (eds.)
Kontrastiva studier i nederländska och svenska
Annika Johansson
Edited Volume
From Clerks to Corpora
Peter Sundkvist, Gunnel Melchers, Britt Erman, Philip Shaw, Peter Sundkvist, Gunnel Melchers, Britt Erman, Philip Shaw (eds.)
Edited Volume
Litteraturdidaktik och känslor
Anna Smedberg Bondesson, Petra Magnusson, Maria Freij, Christoffer Dahl, Jonas Asklund, Lena Ahlin (eds.)
Edited Volume
Festival Romanistica
Gunnel Engwall, Lars Fant, Gunnel Engwall, Lars Fant (eds.)
Edited Volume
Indo-European Interfaces
Anders Richardt Jørgensen, Thomas Olander, Jenny Larsson, Jenny Helena Larsson (eds.)
Edited Volume
Ars Edendi Lecture Series, vol. V
Erika Kihlman, Denis Searby (eds.)
Edited Volume
Negatives and Meaning: Social Setting and Pragmatic Effects
Malin Roitman, Malin Roitman (eds.)
Samisk kunst og norsk kunsthistorie
Monica Grini
Edited Volume
Political Discourses at the Extremes
Malin Roitman, Christophe Premat, María Bernal, Françoise Sullet-Nylander (eds.)
Edited Volume
Narratives Crossing Borders
Bo G. Jansson, Chatarina Edfeldt, Lovisa Berg, Herbert Jonsson, Herbert Jonsson (eds.)
Pour une généalogie critique de la Francophonie
Christophe Premat
Guiden till Spaniensverige
Erik Olsson
Edited Volume
Anime Studies
Ana Soler Baena, José Andrés Santiago Iglesias (eds.)
Not a Mirror, but an Engine: Digital Methods for Contextual Analysis of “Social Big Data”
Jonas Andersson Schwarz
On editing the reception of Pliny’s Natural History
Cynthia Damon
Teaching pronunciation: Truths and lies
John M. Levis
SLA research and L2 pedagogy: An uneasy relationship
Nina Spada
Attitudes and ambiguities – teachers’ views on second foreign language education in Swedish compulsory school
Monica Rosén, Rakel Österberg, Camilla Bardel, Gudrun Erickson
Camilla Bardel, Elisabeth Zetterholm, Katarina Rejman, Christina Hedman
Françoise Sullet-Nylander, Christophe Premat, María Bernal, Malin Roitman
Very young Swedish children’s exposure to English outside of school
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
Reflections on Gender and Small Languages in World Literature Scholarship: Methods of Inclusions and Exclusions
Katarina Helena Leppänen
Canadian Immersion, Baltic Transitional Bilingual Education and European Plurilingualism
Tatjana Bicjutko
Swedes in French: Cultural Transfer from Periphery to Literary Metropolis
Andreas Hedberg
Beyond Chineseness: De-Nationalising and De-Sinicising Modern Chinese Literature
Irmy Schweiger
Multilingual versus monolingual classroom practices in English for academic purposes: Learning outcomes, student attitudes, and instructor observations
Laura Lisnyczyj, Robert James Lally, Amanda Brown
Reformist Discourses: Classical Literary Language Versus Modern Written Vernacular in Lu Xun’s Short Story “A Madman’s Diary”
Lena Rydholm
Alberto Hernando García-Cervigón
Exiguity and Narrative Identity in Canadian French-language Literature Outside Quebec: Marguerite A. Primeau, France Daigle and Marc Prescott
Svante Lindberg
Issues with the steppe hypothesis:
An archaeological perspective. Iconography, mythology and language in Neolithic
and Early Bronze Age southern Scandinavia
Rune Iversen
La traducción automatizada de los fraseologismos en español, francés e inglés
Mohamed El-Madkouri Maataoui
The Indo-European vocabulary of dairy products
Birgit Anette Olsen
Legal AI from a Privacy Point of View: Data Protection and Transparency in Focus
Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg
‘Nonhuman Landscapes’ in Quebec Video Art
Sara Bédard-Goulet
Bedöma språk eller innehåll? Språkets roll vid bedömning i språk- och ämnesintegrerad undervisning
Helena Reierstam
Inscribing Difference: Code-Switching and the Metonymic Gap in Post-Colonial Literatures
Katalin Egri Ku-Mesu
Locating Chronic Violence: Billy Kahora’s “How to Eat a Forest”
Ashleigh Harris
Mining Art History: Bulk Converting Nonstandard PDFs to Text to Determine the Frequency of Citations and Key Terms in Humanities Articles
Anna Dahlgren, Amanda Wasielewski
Re-Imported Literature or Double Domestication: Shizuko’s Daughter by Kyoko Mori
Hiroko Inose
Travel in Rībi Hideo’s Novels or the Search for an Alternative Writing Style in Japanese
Dan Fujiwara
Writing of a Different Class? The First 120 years of Working-Class Fiction in Finland
Elsi Hyttinen, Kati Johanna Launis
Bedömning av muntlig förmåga i engelska – om bedömarvariation och beslutsprocesser ur ett nationellt och europeiskt perspektiv
Linda Borger
Att skapa motivation för främmandespråksinlärning. Effekter av tre aktiviteter i en interventionsstudie i franska klassrum
Céline Rocher Hahlin
Hur betygsätts muntlig språkfärdighet i engelska? En studie av lärares resonemang kring bedömning av det nationella provet för årskurs 9
Maria Frisch
Mohamed El-Madkouri Maataoui, Rakel Österberg
Presenting the Theatre of Drottningholm
David Wiles
La malédiction des populistes : discours sur la parole populaire au Brésil
Carlos Piovezani
Contemporary Indigenous Remix: Poets Matthew James Weigel and Jordan Abel Sampling from Settler Colonial Archives
Kristina Aurylaitė
Gold is Red: Sigurðarkviða en skamma 49–50
Merrill Kaplan
Usos da Leitura e Populismo: os livros e a eleição de Bolsonaro
Thiago Augusto Carlos Pereira, Luzmara Curcino
Freedom to Know Me: The Conflict between Identity and Mennonite Culture in Miriam Toews’ A Complicated Kindness
Rita Dirks
Old and New Media: On the Construction of Media History
Christer Johansson
“Bestimmt wird alles gut”: Journeys and Arrivals in Contemporary German Children’s Books
Anneli Fjordevik
Celto-Germanic and North-West Indo-European vocabulary: Resonances in myth and rock art iconography
John T. Koch
Priests, oxen and the Indo-European taxonomy of wealth in the Iguvine Tables
Nicholas Zair
A “Spiritual Journey” Through the “Middle” Kingdom: Travel and Translation in François Cheng’s Translingual Novel
Shuangyi Li
Human Beings after Catastrophe: Poetical Portraits by Primo Levi and Tamiki Hara
Veronica De Pieri
Las series etimológicas en la investigación sobre el cambio léxico: a propósito de los verbos españoles derivados del latín mitto ’enviar’
Rosario González Pérez